Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tips for cleaning red wine from carpet

Accidents happen, but we can help you clean them up. The best way to clean red wine from a carpet is to first blot the spill with a clean white cloth or paper towel. Always use a fresh spot of the cloth when blotting. Pour a small amount of water onto the stain, making sure not add too much. Continue to blot until there is virtually no stain on your cloth. Then, mix together a mixture of baking soda and water-using a 3-1 ratio of paste to water-and put the paste directly onto the stain. Allow the paste to dry then vacuum. Apply a carpet cleaner if the stain remains. Be sure to use the recommendations of the manufacturer on the label of the stain remover.


  1. That accident is truly terrible in others part, good tip though..Carpet cleaning is really a very tough job and it requires lots of efforts to perform the job. When you purchase a carpet to enhance the beauty of your home you don’t even think that how will you wash such a heavy material?..Carpet Cleaning Brisbane and Carpet Cleaning Sunshine Coast

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